Image of Little Gryphon


Find Your Passion

Derick Van Ness, publisher
Nonfiction, Self-Help


It's easy to get bogged down in life, merely eking out an existence instead of living fully. Some people seem to be able to make a living doing what they love, while the rest of us remain chained to jobs that drain our energy and enthusiasm. It doesn't have to be that way - learn to find and follow your passion.
A Kindle-exclusive title.


As self-help books go, this one hits its marks. It points out how doing what we hate ultimately backfires, and offers to help the reader find ways to escape the dullness and drudgery that made them seek a self-help book to begin with. Some questions and exercises help one start figuring out just one one would rather be doing. The actual process of creating a viable income doing something one enjoys, though, remains largely unexplained here; further research is recommended, or the services of a life coach... which, by a coincidence, the author just happens to be. I can't fault him for self-promotion, nor can I fault the overall message he offers. It's just a lot more work than a single short eBook can hope to cover.


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