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The Truth About Publishing on Kindle

Amazon Digital Services
Nonfiction, Business/Writing


With the increasing popularity of eBooks, a whole new world of potential income has opened up to writers and entrepreneurs. Learn how to write, publish, and promote your own eBooks via Amazon's Kindle platform.
A Kindle-exclusive title.


Yet another make-money-on-Amazon book, it barely touches on writing the content, focusing on how to format, upload, and promote your work. (Actually, it need not even be your work; this is another title that considers the tedious act of writing an optional factor in becoming a published author.) It reads like a sales pitch for the Amazon Kindle platform, crossed with a vague instruction manual on the KDP uploader software, with tips on using keywords for optimal product placement in search results. Some of the advice was so rushed it made little sense, or so vague as to be less than useful. While I can credit it for being exactly what it says it is, I can't say I found it particularly inspiring.


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