Image of Little Dragon


Anatomy for the Artist: The Dynamics of the Human Form

Barnes & Noble Books
Nonfiction, Anatomy/Art


The authors present a collection of anatomy drawings, from bones to flesh, for artists.


This is the first anatomy book I have ever bought where I felt the anatomy pictures were flawed. Many of the images are good, but some of the proportions seem skewed, as Flint uses a somewhat irregular body type as his anatomical standard. In particular, his necks seem too thick and his heads sometimes out of proportion with the body, among other, less obvious yet somehow disturbing quirks. But maybe that's just my untrained eye seeing something that isn't really there. An artist can never have too many reference books, especially on tricky subjects like human anatomy, but I'd give this one a pass if I were you. If you are considering Flint's book, I suggest paging through it first, to see if it feels "off" to you. If a book irritates you or fails to inspire you, it's not worth your money to buy or your shelf space to store. (This one wound up in the donation sack some time ago, and I can't say I miss it.)


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