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The Worst Baby Name Book Ever

Cumberland House
Nonfiction, Humorous Nonfiction


So, you're expecting a baby. Congratulations! In addition to the usual accessories (crib, toys, SUV-sized ankle-smashing stroller), your little bundle of joy and diapers is going to need a name. Fortunately, there are many baby name books on the shelves to help prospective parents like you choose one. Unfortunately, they only give you one side of the story. Names like Ashley or Bryce might look decent on paper, but do you want your kid to automatically earn the nicknames "Trashley" or "Lice"? And Jackson - "Son of Jack" - will only confuse a boy whose father isn't named Jack. What about your little girl Cheyenne, named after a Native American nation so noble and proud that your white ancestors happily massacred the lot of them? There's a downside to most every popular name, and the author happily explains them. Before filling out that birth certificate, take a look through this book. Your future offspring will thank you.


I found the humor to be hit-and-miss, but on the whole I laughed more than I didn't... even when I knew I probably shouldn't. Sometimes, you just need a good, mindless giggle, especially at the expense of names you find silly and overused. (But, then, I happen to have an unusual name - I didn't see my own monicker mocked or even mentioned.) This would probably make a good gag gift at a baby shower: lightweight, silly, and fun to read snippets from out loud... and if it prevents yet another Bob or Mary from entering the school system, so much the better.


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