Image of Little Dragon


The Fundamentals of Drawing Landscapes

Barnes & Noble Books
Nonfiction, Art


Landscapes aren't just pastoral farms, quiet mountains, blunt city skylines, or old roads. There are countless landscapes to be drawn in the world and the imagination, and there are just as many approaches to drawing them. Framing, angle, lighting, tones, style... all affect how viewers respond to your images. This book uses examples from many artists and several practice lessons to demonstrate the very versatile landscape.


An interesting look at landscape drawing, this book effectively demonstrates its many points with many annotated illustrations. I would probably find it more useful if I had the time, location, and materials to actually attempt some of the lessons, which seem simple enough but still require a place to draw, something I don't always have. Breaking down real-world paintings to demonstrate the different parts of landscape art helps explain the concepts and show them in action. It's worth having in any artist's library.


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