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Love to Write? Turn $6 Into $1,000s Doing What You Love!

Barb Asselin, publisher
Nonfiction, Business/Writing


Recipes, poems, memoirs, stories... you've always loved to write. Now, thanks to Amazon's Kindle platform, you can turn your hobby into a nice income. Learn how to write, format, publish, and promote your work.
A Kindle-exclusive title.


A quick read, it does just what it sets out to do... more or less. After an inspirational opening, it rushes through the writing part, advising future authors to skim the bestsellers and decide what to write based on sales figures. Asselin includes a long section on Word formatting, which includes many screen shots - few of which looked very good on my monochrome eInk Kindle screen. (This is ironic, as Asselin mentions the importance of color choice.) The cost mentioned in the title stems mostly from cover design; she recommends outsourcing this on the cheap, with little mention of how to select a good artist or what makes for selling cover art. Her sections on uploading and promoting via Amazon's KDP services omit potentially important details, which she advises potential authors to study on the site itself. If I'm going to have to go elsewhere to learn those details anyway, there are plenty of other places to learn pretty much everything else in this short eBook. As for generating thousands of dollars in income... well, there are no guarantees, in life and especially not in eBooks, despite how easy authors like Asselin make it seem. If you're brand new to the idea of e-publishing and are intimidated by it, this might be a decent introduction, but I'm just as glad I grabbed it during a freebie window.


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